Best Places to Live in Scotland 2022
For the first time, in 2022 we have devised an index ranking the best places to live in Scotland, to run alongside our index for England and Wales. Scotland has proved a highly sought-after destination over the last year, with properties selling here quicker than any other part of the UK.
Due to significant variations in data sources and availability, quantifying Scotland on the exact same basis as England and Wales is not possible, but we have used criteria that aligns with research used for England and Wales.
Our Scottish ranking is based on three categories: Quality of the Physical Environment, Quality of Living, and Going Green, with the market segmented by three property price bands.
Like England and Wales, we have only included areas where a significant proportion of households have access to superfast broadband, which remains a priority for many purchasers.

Where are the top 20 best places to live in Scotland in 2022
The qualifying condition that all of the locations researched offer superfast broadband undoubtedly influenced the research findings. Scotland has so many beautiful locations, but a number of rural locations in particular still do not offer superfast broadband connectivity which excluded them from the rankings.
The results of the top 20 best places to live in Scotland in 2022 can be seen in the table below, together with each location’s individual category ranking, which combined to form the overall results.

Saltcoats, North Ayrshire
Saltcoats in North Ayrshire, tops our overall ranking, scoring in the top 10% of all locations in two of our three categories.

This small town boasts a sandy beach in a southwest-facing bay, offering stunning views over the Firth of Clyde and access to the Isle of Arran.
Balloch and Haldane, Dunbartonshire
Balloch and Haldane, take the second spot, taking second place in our ‘Going Green’ category and within the top 10% of locations for their physical environment.
The area is situated at the foot of Loch Lomond and the southern end of the first Scottish National Park, Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park.

Other top places to live in Scotland
Stirling and Bannockburn, an area south of the city, and the Bonnyrigg and Loanhead area within Midlothian, top our £400,000+ market locations in Scotland.

Stirling itself ranks in the top 5% of locations for the quality of its physical environment, Bannockburn for its quality of living, Bonnyrigg, south east of Edinburgh City, tops our league for ‘Going Green’.
Edinburgh, Stirling and Glasgow all make it into our top 20 locations based on the ‘Physical Environment’ and ‘Going Green’ categories, perhaps just as well given the former hosted the UN COP26 Climate Summit, criteria that bode well for the future of Scotland’s top cities.

Garrington’s interactive league table is now available for those looking south of the border in England and Wales – click here. It’s free to use and is an invaluable tool for those planning a move in 2022.
Finding the best places to live in Scotland
With our extensive coverage across Scotland, if you would like further information about any location or indeed our property finder services, please do get in touch.